Section 3 Service Delivery

Policy 3.06 Privacy and Confidentiality

Service will conform to both state and commonwealth privacy legislation requirements regarding the collection, use and protection of personal information of our Service Users and Team Members.

Policy Protocols

Confidentiality refers to the obligation of non-disclosure by this agency of personal information unless it has the

consent of the person concerned.

The Service will ensure privacy and confidentiality by:

• Collecting only the information required for service delivery;

• Informing people of the purpose for collecting the information;

• Providing individuals with access to their information held by the Service;

• Disclosing personal information to 3rd parties only with the consent of the individual;

• Securely storing Service Users’ personal information; and

• Destroying information in accordance with the Archives Act 1983.

In the following circumstances there is an obligation to report:

• a crime or intended crime;

• where the person is suicidal, safety is at risk, personal harm or being harmed (abused) by another; and

• warn a third party who is in danger.

Australian Privacy Principles (APPs)

APP 1 - Open and transparent management of personal information

Ensures that APP entities manage personal information in an open and transparent way. This includes having a

clearly expressed and up to date APP privacy policy.

APP 2 - Anonymity and pseudonymity

Requires APP entities to give individuals the option of not identifying themselves, or of using a pseudonym. Limited

exceptions apply.

APP 3 - Collection of solicited personal information

Outlines when an APP entity can collect personal information that is solicited. It applies higher standards to the

collection of ‘sensitive’ information.

APP 4 - Dealing with unsolicited personal information

Outlines how APP entities must deal with unsolicited personal information.

APP 5 - Notification of the collection of personal information

Outlines when and in what circumstances an APP entity that collects personal information must notify an individual

of certain matters.

APP 6 - Use or disclosure of personal information

Outlines the circumstances in which an APP entity may use or disclose personal information that it holds.

APP 7 - Direct marketing

An organisation may only use or disclose personal information for direct marketing purposes if certain conditions are met.

APP 8 - Cross-border disclosure of personal information

Outlines the steps an APP entity must take to protect personal information before it is disclosed overseas.

APP 9 - Adoption, use or disclosure of government related identifiers

Outlines the limited circumstances when an organisation may adopt a government related identifier of an individual as its own identifier, or use or disclose a government related identifier of an individual.

APP 10 - Quality of personal information

An APP entity must take reasonable steps to ensure the personal information it collects is accurate, up to date and complete. An entity must also take reasonable steps to ensure the personal information it uses or discloses is accurate, up to date, complete and relevant, having regard to the purpose of the use or disclosure.

APP 11 - Security of personal information

An APP entity must take reasonable steps to protect personal information it holds from misuse, interference and

loss, and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. An entity has obligations to destroy or de-identify personal information in certain circumstances.

APP 12 - Access to personal information

Outlines an APP entity’s obligations when an individual requests to be given access to personal information held about them by the entity. This includes a requirement to provide access unless a specific exception applies.

APP 13 - Correction of personal information

Outlines an APP entity’s obligations in relation to correcting the personal information it holds about individuals.

Adapted from APP quick reference tool Australian Government Office of the Australian Information Commissioner

APP refers to any application provided or used by Community Transport or our affiliated businesses such as Bellingen Taxis.

Relevant Standards

Commonwealth Home Care Standards

1. Effective Management

3. Service Users Rights & Responsibilities

NDIS Practice Standards

Rights and Responsibilities

Provider Governance and Operational Management

Policy History

privacy table